August 23, 2017

Freestyle Footwork 6 Video Goes Pop with SIA

The story behind Freestyle Footwork #6
Video after the jump!
As you know from my last post, I have to wait until my health says "yes" to a taping of these Freestyle Footwork videos.

It was a long 14 days after my last video, Layla, that I was able to film again. It was so bad, I thought it had been a month. So when my body whispered "maybe?" I was chomping at the bit.

So I devised a plan: find a song that would yank my body past the pain and into my excitement and desire.

Solution? Cheap Thrills by the amazing artist Sia (who sounds like Rihanna, don't you think? What a voice! Where has Sia been all this time? Australia should've coughed her up sooner, dang it!)

Now, Sia's favorite song of mine has been, and probably always will be,

August 16, 2017

Where Did I Go? Plus Another Full Song Drops: LAYLA

New video is here! After the jump!
It's already here! Another full song footwork video has dropped, and this time, it's to one of my favorite WCS songs of all time: Eric Clapton's acoustic version of Layla.

For you folks who have been around a while, you'll remember that when this song dropped on MTV's Unplugged, it went viral, and we danced to it like crazy. I never stopped loving it, and still used it my arsenal up until my illness in 2011.

That's when I had to quit doing Walk Like an Egyptian and created Secret instead. But I was fighting fate. And so I wrote instead.

Some of you have asked why I've been gone for so long, and the short answer is the one, if you've been reading my Notes from the beginning, is... exactly what I've said: my health. But here's what I didn't say:

August 14, 2017

WCS Freestyle Footwork 4 - First FULL Song Release in 5 Years!

Why I'm Dancing Again - And It's Good
(Video after the jump!)

When I created the Freestyle Footwork concept more than a year ago, I had no idea how poor my health was at the time - or how much worse it was about it get.

Shortly after taping those three short videos, I learned just how bad my knee really was - a full root tear of the right meniscus. Snapped right off in the middle of a Salsa dance.

So I stopped dancing and started rehabbing. In fact, my time spent rehabbing, up until three months ago, lead me to believe I was done dancing... FOR GOOD. So I said goodbye to that part of my life, and was grateful for the time I had been given. It was hard and it took a long time, but I did it.

Then-- suddenly, new doctors, new treatments and most of all - new medicines. I rarely get to dance now... but... I. GET. TO. DANCE!!!

So, in honor of that, I've pledged to film as much of it as I can for you, so that you can learn from a real Champion, with real technique, doing real WCS, just like

#104: Welcome to WCS!

New Series Just for You:
Welcome to West Coast Swing!
From the end...
Spring new beginnings. 
-Pliny the Elder

From Weekly Note #104: Welcome to WCS! (Click to view original Note.)

Last summer I mentioned a new series of videos I was working on. I'd finished taping them but they never quite made it online. The timing just didn't work.

But that's all in the past! I'm happy to announce that Part One of this four part series is up online on my GetSwingIN YouTube Channel. If you are already subscribed, then you've probably seen the announcement already!

But if you're not subscribed, let me fill you in...