December 05, 2014

#101: Preparing for the Big One

My Endless Frustration:
Yours Too?
Be the one that knows everything and everyone, and you will have the power to see things more clearly...  -Where Things Stand Now

I've been waiting to write a certain "super-big" article for six months now. The time has finally come to share it with you. Look for it this coming Monday. I hope it opens your eyes and quelches some burning hearts. People will be talking about this one, I know, but it will break some serious bonds we are all struggling against.

What article could be so big? Even today? After all I've said and after all that has taken place? What in the world will it answer? What have I, Katherine, not already covered in 100 Weekly Notes?

#101: Did I Hear That Right?

Choosing Another Track
The following is a sidebar article from Weekly WCS Note #101: Preparing for the Big One.

You might have heard that a few big names are changing their tunes. Yes, that's right. Big names in the church and the ten are suddenly teaching... gasp! Swing!

So what changed? Some of these names participated - heck, even LED - some of the most brutal online harassment our sport has ever seen... And now they're teaching WCS again? What gives?

December 03, 2014

#100: Real Swing (Bad Things Routine)

Bad Things/Last Dance Classic WCS Routine
Josh Clark & Katherine Krok Eastvold
'Cause when I'm bad, I'm so, so bad. -Donna Summer

Today I'm releasing the most requested video in the history of my writing: my fourth routine with my partner, Josh Clark!

We only performed it twice, once at Grand Nationals and once at the CA Swing Dance Hall of Fame Gala, where it was received with such honor and praise that we stayed up until well into the next morning celebrating and enjoying one another. It was such a wonderful way to wrap up a phenomenal partnership.

New Book Arrival: Dear Mr. Cosby

Re-learning the Lessons
of The Cosby Show
Dear Mr. Cosby is Katherine's fourth book and is available on in print and e-book format. Click here to grab your own copy today!

I'm so happy to announce that my fourth book has arrived! It was a beautiful journey, writing this book, and I hope you treasure it as much as I do. It's one that I look forward to reading with my children and their children as we watch The Cosby Show together one day.

Of course,  Dear Mr. Cosby might seem a little out of left field to you, but it doesn't to me. I have spent the last year watching The Cosby Show from the very start again... and found it's even more relevant today than it was then.

Nick and I learned so much, grew so much and laughed so, SO much harder than we have in a long, long time, that I found myself, for the first time ever, writing Bill Cosby letters after each episode.

December 02, 2014

#99: My Apologies & More

Healing is a choice. -Stephen Arterburn

I have some exciting news to share with you today, so I logged on to my newsletter site and looked up where I left off.

Ahhh.... I left off with quite the bang, didn't I? #83: MJ or Coke? then #84: Playing Monopoly, then #85: The Cult, the Council and the End and finally the topper... #88: Where Things Stand Now.

So I re-read Where Things Stand Now. Wow. What a piece. It made happy, then made me squirm a bit uncomfortably. I think I messed up. And I'd like to apologize.

Because here's the thing: you, my audience worldwide, is split between two groups. You all fall into either category. For the purposes of this letter, I will call them Group A and Group B.