November 12, 2012

#52: Two Books, Four Big Perks!

I can't tell you how good it is to have these books on my desk. I already use them for reference nearly every day. Sign up for my World Famous Email List to get great discounts! In the meantime, here's four big reasons to grab yours in time for the holidays:

Reason #1: ANONYMITY!!!

Look, unless you order the books straight off my website (which you can't even do yet) I'm never going to see who you are when you buy it.

Buying my books online is just the same as buying my books at Barnes and Noble... I'll never know you bought them. My email list is another thing entirely. That's my bloodline straight to you. But not book retailers. You can give any of the booksellers your info and I'll NEVER ever be privy to it. Just sayin'

Reason #2: More Info

I'm getting a lot of feedback from readers saying they are getting a lot more out of the writing than before. That's partly because it's all in one place, which is easier to take in and comprehend, but it's also because I ADDED a lot of info to both of the books. I had unlimited space, so I took advantage of it.

These are "real" books, complete with an opening quote, dedications, introductions, afterwords and acknowledgements. I'm hearing that this makes a huge difference.

"I didn't think it could get better, but it did!" is, so far, the number one comment I'm receiving. And I believe that's due, in great part, to all the new features and additions.

#3: One Place, Always

Well, the words are written in stone now. Highlight, make notes, bookmark and come back to it...

I know my emails are big, and therefore, easy to get lost in. As one close friend said, "It's so long that I don't have the time to read all of it, and then I don't know where I left off when I come back to it!"

Well. Not anymore. Enjoy!

# 4: Be IN, not OUT.

People, listen up. My Weekly Notes book is nearly 400... FOUR HUNDRED!!! pages long. And I didn't change a word. But every time I pick it up, I can't stop reading it. It flies by... it's all good, good, good stuff. Kind of addicting, in a way.

That means that my readers, the thousands of them across the globe, have read nearly 400 pages single spaced in the last year... and they wanted more every week, didn't they? But for those of you who weren't on the list, weren't allowed on the list or never knew about the list... it's time for you to catch up. Seriously.

I don't care if you disagree with me, agree with me or are even 50/50 on the things I teach, mention, consider and say... But I do think it's good business and common sense to know what's been said, and why the community has changed so much in the last year.

Nearly 400 pages... dang. I'm still amazed I wrote that much!!! But I'm so glad you ate every little word up! It really does just fly by. Both books are just so incredible. They came together beautifully. Enjoy!

